User-friendly Practical Distance Active Training Experience
General objective is pursued through the collection, development, implementation and validation, at a transnational level, of innovative methodologies, tools and practices for digital teaching applied to the learning of professional skills and practical contents of VET courses.
Increase the digital and didactic competences of the trainers, to enhance the potential of Distance Learning, and enrich and integrate F2F training offer (blended didactic)
Develop innovative methodological and technological solution, sustainable and integrated for learning professionalisation contents involving mainly practical and manual activities

Strategies of the project
To reinforce and implement a digital ecosystem for vocational training acting on collection and development of digital and technological solution and the reinforcement updating of the digital skills of VET tutors and trainers.

Target group
The main target group of the project consists of 80 trainers/teachers/tutor of the VET organisations involved in providing professionalising training paths (20 for each partner).