ME Gerli Härm presents idea

Multiplier event dissemination at VIKK

Erasmus+ KA2 project: „UPDATE“ (User-friendly Practical Distance Active Training Experience), Italy, Denmark, Greece, Estonia.

On June 29 there was a dissemination event of the 2 year Project which started Jan,2022. 

Our Project team introduced the idea  and main object of the project.

We also gave an overview of the 1st Project result phase  – research of the existing open digital study materials in each partner country.

 There was also the part where one Estonian VET school introduced their digital study materials.

Work language Estonian.

Place: Vana-Võidu, VIKK main building.



 9:30                 welcome coffee, main building room 138

10:00 -10:15   Erasmus+ UPDATE Project overview – Tiiu Vaher, VIKK Project coordinator

10:15 -11:00   overview of the present work phase: research and analyses of the best practices in each partner country – Italy, Denmark, Greece; Gerli Härm – VIKK UPDATE Project team

11:00               Haapsalu KHK speaks about their experience of digital tools – Heli Heimo coordinator of International activities and Airi Aavik educational technology support manager


11:30                coffee break

11:45 -12:45   Youtube workshop, practical exercise – Ryan Sandberg-  VIKK UPDATE Project team

12:45 -13:00   summary, feedback

13:00-14:00    lunch

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