UPDATE tulemused
Kursuse vaatamiseks kliki siia:
3. Uuringud
Dokument on sidusrühmadele põhjalik abimaterjal, mis annab ülevaate digitaalsete lahenduste integreerimise kavandamisest, teostatavusest ja jätkusuutlikkusest kutsehariduses. Selles rõhutatakse digitaalsetesse õppeplatvormidesse, virtuaalsesse ja liitreaalsusesse, andmeanalüüsi ja tööstusspetsiifilistesse simulatsioonidesse investeerimise strateegilist väärtust, et valmistada ette tulevikuvalmis tööjõudu.

Output 1– Research
Research to collect good practices, methodologies, and success digital animation techniques to support Distance Learning of adolescents (desk analysis + interviews to key observers, i.e. 3 good practices for each participating country), comparative analysis of the effectiveness of innovative Distance Learning tools applied to laboratory training.
Output 2– Training for trainers blended course
Design and implementation of a blended training for trainers path aimed a developing and reinforcing their digital skills
The activities envisaged for I.O2 are:
Design of the course
Development of learning tools
Implementation of LSM platform
Analysis of the professional profiles for the development of the VR
Development of the virtual didactic environment
Transnational training of the virtual didactic environment
Delivery of 4 blended courses
Output 3– Testing
Integration Plan of the new technologies applied in the didactic
Starting from the results of the testing of the digital didactic modalities within the VET path (ENAIP and VIKK) a plan will be drown containing methodological, feasibility and sustainability indications, along with the integration strategy of what has been tested within the organisations.
The activities envisaged are:
Testing with the learners,
Creation and development of a peer to peer community
Evaluation and validation of the testing
Elaboration of the plan